From Our Founder’s Desk

"The blend of Gunnar Rönsch’s pessimism & Stephen Molloy’s optimism to keep advancing toward greater heights in terms of architecture, design, and mathematical concepts with Fundamental Berlin is something that amused us at Maison Sia. We’re bringing in one of the most thought-provoking home decor brands for you all the way from Berlin so that you are able to elevate your interior.”

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Regenbogen Regular Bowl
₹ 40,000.00
₹ 40,000.00
Berlin Large tray
₹ 15,000.00
₹ 15,000.00
Berlin pen tray
₹ 3,500.00
₹ 3,500.00
Small Vase
₹ 20,000.00
₹ 20,000.00